Get In Touch

If you would like to be considered for a ‘Tiara Teddy Bear’ Puppy we kindly request in the first instance you submit the Application Form below, we will contact you for a friendly chat. When a litter becomes available our first contact will be the families we have chatted with and assessed suitability.

if you would like to get in touch our contact details are:

Telephone: 07796 902244 (Please leave a message)

We value your interest and will be honest and open whilst chatting. Please do us the same courtesy by not wasting our time if your interest is purely curiosity.

Application Form

If you would like to be considered for a Tiara Teddybear Dog we kindly request in the first instance you submit this Application Form and we will contact you for a friendly chat. When a litter becomes available our first contact will be the families we have chatted with and assessed suitability.

All photography on this website copyright J Daniels and may not under any circumstance be copied or reproduced

Copyright © 2021 Tiara Teddybear Dogs. All rights reserved.